Integrity, Conscience & Rights – what must we do?

In light of these attacks on conscience and integrity and the specific threats to Christian belief and practice what is our response?

Do we deny the reality of the problems? As many of the German people did “no, no, we are German – this could not possibly happen”.

Do we just accept the fact that these limitations of our liberties are going to happen regardless of what we do, regardless of how passionate we are, regardless of how logical and rational our arguments, and therefore do nothing?

What can we do?

  1. Stay awake and informed ourselves. If you don’t already get email newsletters from ACLSaltshakersBill MuehlenbergFamily VoiceLife Ministries then you should (there are others too) although I will try to keep you informed.
  2. Inform others so they can share your concern. Pastors (IMHO) should keep their people informed in the context of spiritual warfare, intercessory prayer and preparing for persecution. This is above politics. This is about survival.
  3. Obviously then prayer for government, your local MPs, and organizations like the above.
  4. Supporting these by adding your name to the petitions and submissions they arrange. Add your name now to Make a Stand re possible bill of rights.
  5. Make submissions yourself (see the ACL site for info).
  6. Support MPs who stand with us on these issues. You would have heard some of them if you were at WA Parliament House last week for the Rally for Life on the 11th anniversary of the abortion legislation here
  7. Help elect Christians to parliament and support a Christian party. CDP is very active in these ethical and moral areas. Remember we need numbersto counteract the influence of specific interest groups who won’t listen to rational argument.

Remember Martin Luther:

If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ.

Lachlan Dunjey 28 May 2009

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